• How Long Does it Take to Lose Weight

    How long does it take to lose weight, have you ever asked yourself this question? Does it take years, months or weeks?

    How Long Does it Take to Lose Weight

    You're finally settled down, got your meals prepped and have sworn to head to the gym several times a week. You want to see results fast but do you know much weight you should be losing? First you must understand the golden rule for weight loss and this is:

    • A safe and healthy pace to lose weight is anywhere between 1 to 2 pounds per week (1).
    • There are exceptions to the rule above. It normally applies to the average Joe but let's say your 500 pounds. In this scenario you can lose anywhere between 5-10 pounds per week. A person of this size has lots of excess weight to lose, so in their case its okay for them to lose more weight per week.
    • Losing 1 to 2 pounds is achievable with a 500 caloric deficit

    To understand the mathematics for weight loss, I'll use Roger as an example below:

    • Roger's caloric intake to maintain body weight = 2000 calories
    • Roger will use an caloric deficit of 500 (2000 – 500)
    • Roger's caloric intake while cutting is = 1500 calories
    • Roger eats 1500 calories for a whole week
    • Roger loses one pound (could be more since water weight always throws of the accuracy a bit)

    One pound is roughly 3500 calories, 500 multiplied seven (days in a week) is equal to 3500, hence why Roger lost one pound.

    How long does it take to lose weight

    How long it takes you to lose weight depends entirely on how much weight you have to lose. I will use Roger as an example again below:

    • Roger has 20 pounds to lose
    • Assuming Roger loses one pound per week with an caloric deficit of 500
    • It will take him five months to lose weight

    Just to note that five months is only an estimation. Most people don't lost exactly one pound per week but anywhere between one to three pounds. So if you have 20 pounds to lose like Roger, than you can expect anywhere between three to five months to lose weight.

    Can't I just decrease my calories further

    You can but most people only try to lose one to two pounds per week for a reason. If you over do it you will end up losing lots of muscle mass. Remember the goal of losing weight is to lose fat and not muscle.

    This is why many fitness models and bodybuilders only aim for one to two pounds per week. They want to preserve as much muscle mass as humanely possible. If you need a program to lose weight then check out the 3 week regime. That is another topic on its own, but you can read more deatils 3 week diet.

    How long does it take to lose weight conclusion

    How long does it take to lose weight, depends entirely on the individual. Most people should only aim for one to two pounds per week.